Watermelon Smash is a asymetrical multiplayer game designed originally for minimum 3 players:

  • the first player plays the human, who must smash the watermelon. They dosen't have the right to see the screen.
  • the second player plays the watermelon, who must flee the human. They do have the right to see the screen.
  • the third player (or more) plays the spectator, who must indicate to the human where the watermelon is. They do have the right to see the screen

I tried to make solo player modes, the 1P Mode dosen't work really well, I couldn't figure how to code an AI for the watermelon... and the Watermelon Mode dosen't really shine because the Ai for the human is just to follow and spam attacking.

I recommend you to play locally with many players, or with Parsec.

It was fun working with this game, if I had organized myself better, it would have looked better graphically...! sorry.

Xbox Controls:


  • Start - Menu button
  • Select - Share button

Player 1 (Human):

  • Move - Directionnal pad
  • Attack - A

Player 2 (Watermelon):

  • Move - Directionnal pad

Keyboard Controls:


  • Start - Enter
  • Select - Space

Player 1 (Human):

  • Move - WASD
  • Attack - J

Player 2 (Watermelon):

  • Move - Arrows


ReoAubian - Game Design, artist, programation

Dimensio9 - Composer (thanks 💪)

jsfxr - SFX

Watermelon Smash is game made for the NES Jam 2024, in 4 hours.


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Cool concept for like a ten-minute 3-player party game and it works conceptually. The Watermelon speed and timer probably needs a bit of balancing but considering how quickly this was made, honestly, very well done.